Dogs Eat Ice Cream Cones

Can Dogs Eat Ice Cream Cones?

Ice cream cones are a delightful treat savored by people worldwide, especially during the hot summer months. But as pet owners merrily enjoy this treat, it’s common to wonder, “Can our furry friends partake in this sweet indulgence too?”

The safety and health implications of feeding ice cream cones to dogs have become an essential query for conscientious pet owners.

In this article we will explore whether ice cream cones are a safe treat for dogs, considering factors like the ingredients used in ice cream and cones, potential health risks and suitable alternatives for our furry friends.

Can Dogs Eat Ice Cream Cones?

The short answer is: It’s not recommended. While a small lick of ice cream or a tiny nibble of the cone might not harm most dogs, regularly feeding them ice cream cones is not advisable.

Ice cream cones often contain high levels of sugar and artificial additives which are not easily digestible for dogs and can cause problems such as obesity, diabetes and digestive upset.

Certain flavors of ice cream can also contain ingredients that are toxic to dogs, like chocolate or xylitol. It’s best to err on the side of caution and offer dog-safe treats instead.

If you wish to share the joy of ice cream with your canine companion, consider dog-friendly ice cream available in pet stores or make a homemade version using dog-safe ingredients.

Reasons why dogs cannot eat ice cream cones?

While the occasional taste of an ice cream cone is unlikely to be harmful to dogs, there are several reasons why they should not eat them regularly:

  1. High sugar content: Ice cream cones are typically high in sugar, which can lead to obesity, dental problems and diabetes in dogs.
  2. Lactose intolerance: Many dogs are lactose intolerant, meaning they lack the necessary enzyme (lactase) to digest lactose, the sugar found in milk-based products like ice cream. This can lead to gastrointestinal problems such as bloating, diarrhea and gas.
  3. Potential allergens: Ice cream cones often contain wheat and other potential allergens, which could trigger allergies in some dogs.
  4. Toxic ingredients: Certain flavors of ice cream, like chocolate, contain toxic ingredients to dogs.
  5. Artificial additives: Many ice cream cones contain artificial flavors, colors and preservatives that could be harmful to dogs in large amounts.

It’s always best to stick to treats specifically designed for dogs and remember that all treats should make up no more than 10% of your pet’s daily caloric intake.

Alternatives to Ice cream cones for dogs

If you’re looking for healthier alternatives to ice cream cones for your furry friends, here are some options to consider:

  1. Dog-friendly frozen yogurt: You can prepare this at home using plain yogurt and mashed fruits like bananas or blueberries. This treat is a great source of probiotics and vitamins.
  2. Frozen vegetable broth cubes: Freeze low-sodium or homemade vegetable broth in an ice cube tray for a refreshing, hydrating treat.
  3. Peanut butter popsicles: Blend dog-safe peanut butter with a ripe banana and a little water, then freeze in a popsicle mold. Ensure the peanut butter doesn’t contain xylitol, which is toxic to dogs.
  4. Frozen pumpkin puree: Pumpkin is a canine favorite and is excellent for their digestive health. Freeze small portions of pure pumpkin puree for a tasty and healthy treat.
  5. Dog-safe ice cream: As mentioned earlier, pet stores offer a variety of dog-friendly ice creams that are free from ingredients harmful to dogs. These options come in various flavors and are specifically designed for canine consumption.

Also Read: Are Ice Cream Cones Gluten Free?

Commercially available dog-friendly ice creams and treats

There’s an array of commercially available dog-friendly ice creams and treats that allow your furry friends to partake in the joy of a refreshing, cold treat, without any of the health risks associated with human ice cream. Here are some popular options:

  1. Pooch Creamery Ice Cream Mix: This product is a powdered mix that you simply add water to and freeze. It’s grain-free and made with limited ingredients that are safe for dogs.
  2. Puppy Scoops Dog Ice Cream Mix: Similar to Pooch Creamery, this mix is easy to prepare and comes in various fun flavors like Maple Bacon and Peanut Butter.
  3. Bosco and Roxy’s Dog Ice Cream: This brand offers ready-to-serve dog ice cream that comes in various delicious flavors, including Banana Peanut Butter and Blueberry.
  4. PetSafe Lickety Stik: This isn’t an ice cream but is a liquid treat that pups can lick. It’s great for training and comes in several flavors.
  5. KONG Easy Treat: Another non-ice cream treat, KONG Easy Treat is a tasty, easy-to-dispense treat that can be stuffed into a KONG toy for added playtime fun.
  6. Frosty Paws: Produced by the makers of Purina pet food, this brand offers a range of frozen treats in flavors like peanut butter, original and banana.
  7. Cool Treats for Dogs: This brand offers a range of frozen treats, including frozen yogurt cups and ice cream sandwiches for dogs.

It is essential to always check the ice cream cone sleeve or label before purchasing ice cream cones for your furry friends.

Pros and cons when dogs eat ice cream cones

While the idea of sharing an ice cream cone with your furry friend might seem tempting, it’s essential to consider the pros and cons.


  • Momentary enjoyment: Just like humans, dogs seem to enjoy the taste of ice cream and may enjoy the occasional lick.
  • Cooling Effect: During hot summer months, a small ice cream lick can temporarily relieve the heat.


  • High sugar content: As mentioned previously, ice cream cones are typically high in sugar, which can lead to obesity, dental issues and possibly diabetes.
  • Lactose intolerance: Most dogs are lactose intolerant and consumption of dairy products can lead to gastrointestinal issues like bloating, diarrhea and gas.
  • Possible allergenic ingredients: Ice cream cones usually contain wheat and other potential allergens that may trigger allergies in some dogs.
  • Toxic constituents: Certain ice cream flavors, notably chocolate, contain toxic ingredients to dogs.
  • Artificial additives: Many ice cream cones are filled with artificial flavors, colors and preservatives, which can be harmful to dogs if consumed in large amounts.

FAQs – Dogs Eat Ice Cream Cones

Are there any health risks for dogs eating ice cream cones?

Yes, ice cream cones can pose several health risks for dogs, including obesity, dental issues and potentially diabetes due to their high sugar content. Also, most dogs are lactose intolerant, so eating dairy products can lead to gastrointestinal issues like bloating, diarrhea and gas.

What alternatives can I give my dog instead of ice cream cones?

There are several healthier alternatives to ice cream cones for dogs. These include dog-friendly frozen yogurt, frozen vegetable broth cubes, peanut butter popsicles, frozen pumpkin puree and commercially available dog-safe ice creams.

Are there any benefits to dogs eating ice cream cones?

While dogs may enjoy the taste of ice cream and it might provide temporary relief from the heat, the potential health risks outweigh these momentary benefits.

Can dogs eat any flavor of ice cream?

No, certain flavors, notably chocolate, contain ingredients that are toxic to dogs. It’s best to stick with dog-friendly ice creams made specifically for canine consumption.

Can dogs have ice cream cones with toppings like sprinkles or whipped cream?

It’s best to avoid giving your dog ice cream with toppings. These extras can contain additional ingredients that might not be safe for dogs. Stick to plain, simple ice cream if you decide to share.

How can I tell if my dog is lactose intolerant?

Signs of lactose intolerance in dogs include diarrhea, gas and upset stomach after consuming dairy products. If your dog shows these symptoms, it’s best to avoid giving them ice cream.

Can puppies eat ice cream?

Puppies, especially very young ones, may have more sensitive stomachs, so it’s best to avoid giving them ice cream. Stick to specially formulated puppy treats if you want to reward your pup.

Wrap Up

While the thought of treating your dog with an ice cream cone may be enticing, it’s best to err on the side of caution. Dogs’ digestive systems are not equipped to handle the high sugar content, dairy and potentially harmful ingredients present in many human ice creams. 

Moreover, certain flavors like chocolate can be outright toxic to your pet. Instead, opt for dog-safe ice creams or other dog-friendly treats that offer a safe way for your furry friend to cool down and enjoy a special snack.

Always consult with your vet before introducing new foods into your pet’s diet. Remember, keeping your pet healthy is the ultimate act of love.